I found another Singer machine on Craigslist. woohoo! Now, I'm about as frugal as it
comes. I hate spending more than $20. on 95% of things. Sadly, in my mind I'd rather
have 15 small ticket items instead of 1 big one most of the time. I really don't know why.
Anyway, I found a Singer Spartan in a nice little cabinet for $20. I couldn't pass on it.
She really is sweet. Even my husband likes it but mostly for the cabinet it's in. It did require
some serious oiling but she is humming right along now. Of course I'll have to post a picture for you.
I need to get the binding cut for those 2 baby quilts and get on to something else. So many quilts
and so little time, eh? Oh, I should've mentioned that it is sunny and about 70 today. I just love
living here.