Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 2010 is nearing an end

It doesn't seem possible that January is nearing an end. I know it just began!
That ole cliche, where does time go? Time to get focused.

When I get home today I will clear off my cutting table. It has so much fabric lying on it
I couldn't start a new project if I wanted to, which I do. I do still have a partially made
Emerald Forest top and hopefully I can find the other section of it that I am pretty certain
is buried somewhere on that table. If not I still have a ways to go with that but it's pretty easy
on the construction side.

I'm embarrassed to admit I have a screw up on the frame. I had a wall hanging, just a section
of oriental fabric, that never got quilted. I changed backing after I had it all loaded on the frame
and then put a new backing fabric on, well I just didn't focus on what I was doing and now that
it's near the end I can see I'm about 3/4" too short with the backing. I can't believe it. What a 
needless mistake. big grrr here! I've decided to just finish off what I can and then I'll have to cut
off what doesn't fit. I'll certainly know about it every time I look at it. I'm thinking I will be much
more careful in the future.

On another note, my dad's in the hospital. I guess his heart isn't beating in a stable rhythm.
We'll see how it goes today. It could be he needs a pace maker.

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