Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Unwelcome comment posts

It seems that someone or more than one someone has decided to make comments
that have no bearing on the subject at hand. They are merely links to sites that 
I have no interest in. Luckily, I have the blog set so that all comments must be approved
before posted. I'm sorry if it prevents someone from commenting on quilting and the like.
We should get by just fine either way.

Today it was about 90 degrees and so we have heated up. It's suppose to stay this way for 
several days so the pool will start to heat up quickly. The humidity can be so dry that it causes
most people to have bloody noses even when you're not prone to them. This week seems to be 
bad for them. It's really strange you'll wake up in the night or early in the morning with one.
All you want to do is go back to sleep. 

I finally heard from a friend yesterday. I've been worried about her as I haven't heard from
her in several weeks. It turns out she is back to having Chemo and has it 5 days a week. 
I can't imagine trying to go to work and dealing with the effects of that. My heart and prayers
go out to her. I do hope that 2010 is the year she finds herself cancer free.

Still haven't gotten the binding on or started another quilt. Just seems like I can't find the time
right now. I will though, I will.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the unwelcome guests on several blogs-you would think people would get a life!! Hope your friend gets better!
